Wednesday, September 9

A Long Day

The alarm went off at 6am. After a quick shower and breakfast I headed off to my first day as a student teacher at Huron High School. And what a day it would turn out to be. The first six hours went by quickly as the students were incredibly enthusiastic and I was running on adrenaline. However, things quickly turned after I realized I could not simply return home after a day of teaching. Instead, I quickly scurried over to the UofM for night classes. Finally, at 8:30pm I returned home, but the work was far from over. Upon opening my email I found my inbox flooded with emails from students with questions about their homework that was due the next day. Over the next hour I attempted to answer their questions as best as possible. Finally, the day ended with a quick dinner, preparation for the next day and a welcomed nights rest.

Needless to say, this was an eye-opening day. Although I was eager to help my students, I did not realize the amount of effort that goes into a single day. It was truly a day to remember.


  1. I too am trying to prepare myself for the reality that teaching is an 80 hr/week job. But I think we're all in this program because it's worth it to us. Anyway, my actual question is... how did you and your mentor teacher create the situation where students are already reaching out to you for help? (Because I think that's great...)

  2. Hi Ben! First of all LOVE the opening quote to your blog. That is fantastic! And wow, I totally agree with your summation of the day. Luckily I didn't have nearly the flood of email you did, but yes, it was a day run on adrenaline and exhaustion the minute I hit home. Looks like we'll be building up some stamina in the next few months!

  3. Wow, they really are throwing you right into the mix. I haven't had to do much with student homework - yet. Hopefully, you are learning a lot from the experience. Teaching can be exhausting, but at least it's never boring. The days go by so quickly!
