Monday, July 13

Science Is Fun!

So you want to know why I think science is the best subject matter to teach. Well, I think it's because we have the best opportunity to have the most fun. Take for example the videos posted below. In the first video (below) you can watch waves as their best. Take careful notice to what happens around minute two. In the second video, available here, you can watch the popular mentos and diet coke experiment. Enjoy!


  1. These videos were pretty cool, and this is coming from someone who has despised science classes since early high school. Maybe if I had science teachers that looked and tried to make things more interesting during middle to high school years I might have more of an interest in science-related subjects today. It looks like you're on the right path to making science a fun class for students to be in.

  2. I'm really glad that you posted this, Ben. Among other things, you provide a great reminder that the humanities people haven't got the market cornered on exciting tools for use in teaching.
    So, as the saying goes, Ben, where do you see the added value for your students in seeing this. What are your thoughts and conjectures about how (and whom) this could help, and why?
